Jennifer Seyler has been published in a variety of scientific journals and has written articles for a number of consumer and trade publications, including:
Effect of Food Protein on Blood Glucose Regulation, Body Composition and Weight loss; AgroFOOD industry hi-tech – May/June 2012 – vol 23 n 3
The Role of Protein in Overall Health: Quality, Quantity, and Timing Considerations; SCAN Pulse; 2012;31(3): 4-6
PRSA Newsletter, The Hungry Mind. Good News On Gluten. (Fourth Quarter 2009)
Dietitians in Business and Communications Newsletter:
DK Layman, EM Evans, DJ Erickson, JE Seyler, P Kris-Etherton, et al. (2009) A Moderate-Protein Diet Produces Sustained Weight Loss and Long-Term Changes in Body Composition and Blood Lipids in Obese Adults. J. Nutr. 139: (3):514-21.
DK Layman, EM Evans, JI Baum, JE Seyler, et al. (2005) Dietary protein and exercise have additive effects on body composition during weight loss in adult women. J. Nutr.135:1903-1910.
JE Seyler, R Wildman, DK Layman. (2007) Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, 2nd Ed – “Protein as a Functional Food Ingredient for Weight Loss and Maintaining Body Composition.”
DK Layman, EM Evans, JI Baum, JE Seyler, DJ Erickson. (2005) Interaction of dietary protein and exercise during weight loss in adult women. FASEB Journal 19.
DK Layman, EM Evans, JE Seyler, DJ Erickson, J Webber, P Kris-Etherton. (2005) Diets differing in PRO and CHO content produce differential changes in long-term weight loss and blood lipids. FASEB J.19.
EM Evans, DK Layman, JE Seyler, K Heinrichs, DJ Erickson, J Webber, P Kris-Etherton. (2005) Gender impacts efficacy of weight loss diets varying in protein content. FASEB Journal 19.
EM Evans, DK Layman, E Jacobson, JE Seyler, K Heinrichs. (2005) Higher protein diet does not negatively impact calcium, balance and bone mineral in adults. FASEB Journal 19.
JE Seyler, DJ Erickson, M Jakoby, DK Layman. (2005) Substitution of dietary protein for carbohydrates has positive effects on glucose homeostasis and blood lipids in subjects with newly diagnosed Type II diabetes. FASEB Journal 19: A1269.
JE Seyler and DK Layman. (2004) Effects of weight loss diets with reduced carbohydrate (CHO) and increased protein (PRO) in young rats. FASEB Journal 18:A130.
JI Baum, JE Seyler, JC O’Connor, GG Freund, DK Layman. (2003) The effects of leucine on glucose homeostasis and the insulin-signaling pathway. FASEB Journal 17:A811.
JI Baum, JC O’Connor, JE Seyler, et al. (2004) Leucine reduces the duration of insulin-induced PI3-kinase activity in rat skeletal muscle. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2005 Jan; 288(1):E86-91.
Epub 2004 Aug 31.
EM Evans, DK Layman, JI Baum, JE Seyler, DJ Erickson, KL Heinrichs. (2004) Additive effects of dietary protein and exercise on body composition and endocrine changes during weight loss in adult women. North American Association for the Study of Obesity Annual Meeting.
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